Environmental governance, water, sanitation, and solid waste: what do Costa Ricans think about these?
opinion polls, hydric resource, sanitation, decision-makers, environment, Escazú AgreementAbstract
[Objective] The objective of this study was to collect the perception of Costa Ricans on environmental issues in order to generate information to influence decision-makers. [Methodology] A descriptive-quantitative research was conducted from June 13th to 17th and June 20th, 22nd, and 23rd, 2022 through a telephone poll of 702 people, using a sampling of active cellphone banks in the country. [Results] Opinion polls provide elements of the population's sentiments and help measure actions developed in different areas; therefore, this study is relevant to show what the population thinks about environmental matters. For example, six out of ten people consider that the country's international prestige on environmental matters is an accurate representation of reality, but it is evident that 67.8% of the people polled think the government is not clear on environmental policies. However, the government must address 11 environmental issues as a priority. Furthermore, interviewees agree with the statements in the Escazú Agreement, as an instrument of international regulations regarding the right to citizen participation and information on environmental issues. On another issue, seven out of ten people indicate that the country's wastewater is dumped into the rivers, thus contaminating water sources. Regarding solid waste management, little progress is perceived regarding solutions to this problem. [Conclusions] Finally, there is evidence of knowledge about environmental issues and an expectation for the government to solve the problems identified as priorities.
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