Carcass and meat characteristics of lamb under an intensive feeding system
phenotype, structure, fat, maturity, colorAbstract
The objective of this paper was to determinate carcass and meat characteristics of different lamb phenotypes, including: Blackbelly (BB; n=22), Pelibuey Blanco (PB; n=16), Pelibuey Canelo (PC; n=22), Dorper (DO; n=37), Katahdin (KA; n=29), Pelibuey x Katahdin (PK; n=8) and Hair x Wool (HW; n=11), aged 6 to 8 months old and raised under a 90 d intensive finishing system. Variables assessed in the lamb carcass were yield (Y), conformation (CONF), fat cover (FC), morphometric measurements, fat cover color (FCC) and meat color (MC). Data was analyzed using a mean comparison model. DO, HW, and KA showed better relation between skeletal structure, muscle growth, and FC (P<0.05) than PB, PC, and BB, which had lower slaughter weight and FC. Carcass morphometric measurements showed that DO and HW were compact and thick, as a result of early maturity of the skeletal structure, compared to BB, PB, and PK, which were longer and had less carcass compactness. DO’s fat color was between white and beige, while BB and HW’s was between white and yellow. PB and DO’s meat color was reddish pink, while PK’s was bright red. In conclusion, the physiological maturity of the different lamb phenotypes is reflected in Y, CONF, morphometric measurements, and FC. On the other hand, the feeding system characteristics showed variation in FCC.
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