Detection of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in canines from a peri-urban area in the province of Heredia, Costa Rica
Toxocara spp., toxocariasis, dogs, zoonoses, seroprevalenceAbstract
Toxocariasis is a cosmopolitan zoonotic disease caused by nematodes belonging to the genus Toxocara. Dogs are the definitive hosts of Toxocara canis and can develop non-specific clinical symptoms or remain asymptomatic. Humans can also become infected and develop different pathologies.
Prevalence studies on Toxocara spp. eggs in soil samples and canine feces were conducted in Costa Rica; however, the prevalence of antibodies against this parasite in dogs has not been investigated yet. This study aimed to analyze 55 canine sera from a peri-urban community in Heredia, Costa Rica, using a commercial test for the detection of IgG antibodies against Toxocara spp. In addition, dog owners were asked to fill out a questionnaire to know pet management practices and verify their knowledge of zoonotic diseases.
A 29% seroprevalence was determined, evidencing that canines had been infected with this parasite at some point in their lives. A general lack of knowledge about zoonotic diseases was determined among the owners, and most of them showed inadequate pet management practices such as not collecting canine feces in public places, little or no veterinary care, and deworming protocols without professional guidance or reliable records which could favor infection with zoonotic parasites.
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