Some ailments affecting the equine thoracolumbar spine and the role of poorly designed saddles as an important local damage causative agent in Costa Rican horses


  • Manuel Estrada U Universidad Nacional Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria Cátedra de Cirugía de Especies Mayores, Costa Rica
  • Juan Estrada M. Universidad Nacional Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria Cátedra de Cirugía de Especies Mayores, Costa Rica


Equines, thoracolumbar back, saddles, Costa Rica


Several common causes of trauma on the thoracolumbar spine of the horse are discussed. In addition, some pathologies affecting the vertebral dorsal spinous processes and saddle related problems are mentioned.  Since these aspects are sources of pain, the authors consider that this topic should also be approached from the animal welfare perspective.


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How to Cite

Some ailments affecting the equine thoracolumbar spine and the role of poorly designed saddles as an important local damage causative agent in Costa Rican horses. (2015). Ciencias Veterinarias, 31(2), 41-57.

How to Cite

Some ailments affecting the equine thoracolumbar spine and the role of poorly designed saddles as an important local damage causative agent in Costa Rican horses. (2015). Ciencias Veterinarias, 31(2), 41-57.

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